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Digital Leaders

Children and young people today are growing up in a digital world. They need support now, more than ever before, to develop the skills they need to navigate safely though the digital landscape, both at home and in school.

They need to be able to balance technology’s benefits with a critical awareness of their own and others’ online behaviour, and develop effective strategies for staying safe and making a positive contribution online.

Teachers and parents/carers also need to develop effective strategies for managing online risk, helping children and young people to stay safe, while maximising the benefits that technology has to offer. Online safety is a whole-school issue that is addressed in school internet policies and in other policies such as the anti-bullying policy (cyberbullying).

Sion Mills now have a Digital Leaders pupil group. These pupils have keen interest in the use of ICT to enhance their learning and will be empowering others to protect themselves while using it. (Video coming soon)

15th Nov 2024
Our Digital Leaders have spent the week creating their first newsletter. It has some...
16th Nov 2023
Don't foget to download the Safer Schools App. Access our school area. You can access...

Safer Internet Day 2024 will take place on the 6th of February 2024, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’.

Safer Internet Day is the UK’s biggest celebration of online safety. Each year we cover an online issue or theme that speaks to the things young people are seeing and experiencing online. Created in consultation with young people across the UK, this year Safer Internet Day will be focusing on change online, this includes covering:

  • Young people’s perspective on new and emerging technology
  • Using the internet to make change for the better
  • The changes young people want to see online
  • The things that can influence and change the way young people think, feel and act online and offline

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, the celebration sees thousands of organisations get involved to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.


Our P7 Digital Leaders will be leading a whole school assembly on this topic.

Safer Internet Day 2024 (Age 7-11)
Safer Internet Day 2024 (Age 3-7)