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Speech & Language

Welcome to Sion Mills Speech & Language Class


Sion Mills Speech & Language Unit is a specialised provision for children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI).  The class has a maximum of twelve pupils attending at any one time and children can attend the class for up to two years before being reintegrated into their mainstream school. The children will attend the Speech & Language Class for 4 days ( Monday-Thursday) and will attend their Mainstream School on a Friday. A Speech & Language Therapist and Technical Instructor works alongside the teacher to ensure that Speech and Language Development are central to all learning.

The Curriculum

The children attending the Speech and Language Class will be immersed in a language rich environment which is aimed at developing their expressive and receptive language skills. They will follow the Northern Ireland Curriculum and have access to all areas of the curriculum to include:- Numeracy, Literacy, The Arts, The World Around Us, Personal Development and Mutual Understanding, Religion and Physical Education.


Speech and Language Class Staff

The S&LC will be staffed as follows:-

1 Teacher - Miss Deirdre Walsh

1 Classroom Assistant - Mrs. Yvonne Gilchrist

1 Speech and Language Therapist - Mrs. Donna Fox









