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Sion Mills Primary School West View Terrace, Sion Mills


2019/2020 School Year

25th Oct 2019
Time has flown by and it's hard to believe we're at half term already. Just a few...
25th Oct 2019
And today we did it all again!! We had a great afternoon of fun, fancy dress and...
24th Oct 2019
What a wonderful time was had at the Disco! It was great to see everyone all dressed...
17th Oct 2019
P5/6C enjoyed an Outdoor Maths investigation using the  number plates of the...
16th Oct 2019
Sion Mills Speech and Language Class made a Scarecrow. We named our Scarecrow...
14th Oct 2019
A huge congratulations to the children selected to represent their classes as the...
14th Oct 2019
We all had a great time decorating rangoli patterns in preparation for the Diwali...
11th Oct 2019
We are super proud of our Primary 6 & 7 cross country runners who did themselves...