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P6 Miss McGinley's P6 Outdoor Learning

28th Oct 2022

18th October was a fabulous sunny morning and it was perfect time to explore autumn at it's very best, as we walked to the river and explored our beautiful village. 


We are studying the novel, Under the Hawthorn Tree. We were thrilled to see that we have so many hawthorn trees in our village; we actually have a beautiful hawthorn tree in our school grounds! We also explored the beautiful autumnal colours of the Syscamore, Beech, Horsechesnut, Oak and Rowan trees and we had lots of fun gathering the conkers. 

The River Mourne never fails to impress! 

We also were lucky enough to see the majestic King Fisher who was perched on the weir. 

House/Martins and Swallows swished by as they flew south to a warmer country.

The squirrels were busy gathering nuts to store for the winter and the hedgehog was finding a disused rabbit hole where he could make a cosy nest of moss and leaves. He will sleep here during the cold weather. 

It was fantastic to use all of our senses as we explored our beautiful outdoor enviroment. 

We gathered all of the leaves and made a collage. It was fun to tally all of the different tress that we found. 

We defintely now can identify EVERY SINGLE TREE in our Village. 

Enjoy our pictures.