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Maths Week – Monday in Nursery

10th Mar 2020

To kick start ‘Maths Week’ in Nursery we had a game of bowling using our miniature skittles and hopscotch on the carpet. This was a great play opportunity to enhance early mathematical learning. Most importantly it was fun, interactive and engaging.

What we explored:
• Concepts few and many (how many skittles were knocked over or remained standing).
• Positional language (standing on the spot, looking in front, the ball travelled under the legs).
• Comparative language (shorter / longer distance).
• Awareness of passage of time, the game had great interest so taking it in turns meant waiting. We used the sand-timer to help visualise the time.
• Touch counting (counting how many skittles were knocked over and how many remained).
• Developing cardinal value of number
• Number and colour recognition