Ice Experiments.
P1.S and P2.H had a lovely day carrying out experiments as part of Science Week.
The first experiment was called Sticky Ice. We filled a cup with ice cubes. We put string across the top of the ice to see if we could lift an ice cube. It did not work. We then sprinkled salt on top, counted to 60 and …. the ice cube was stuck to the string and we were able to lift it!
Our second experiment was called Release the Arctic Animal. An Arctic animal (we had four animals in total) was placed into a plastic cup. It was filled with water and put in the freezer. When frozen we turned the ice blocks out onto individual dishes. We wanted to find out which substance would release the animal the quickest. We used salt, sugar, warm water and we left one as the control. We predicted what would happen. We observed throughout the day and found our prediction was correct. The warm water was the quickest substance to melt the ice and release the animal.