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Citizenship Awards

1st Jul 2021

Each year, class teachers, classroom assistants and other adults who work with a class, come together to decide who is worthy of the Citizenship Award. This is awarded for contribution to class discussions, helping teachers or classmates, being kind and caring, being supportive, doing the best they can all of the time in class, on the playground and/or with homework, generally 'getting on with it'. Our winners for the 2020/21 year are: P1S Alex Mitchell, P1H Tyrion McColgan, P1Sp&LU Queenie Roche, P2C Bella Curran, P3L Eden Hill, P4K Farrah Crompton-Pattison, P5/6C Sean McAnenny, P5/6McG Emily McClintock and P7C Conrad Sweeney-Stephenson jointly with Hannah McCoach