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Sion Mills Primary School West View Terrace, Sion Mills
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News - P1 Mrs Lowry

2017/2018 School Year

6th Jun 2018
As part of our Rights Respecting School programme we have been looking at the difference...
22nd May 2018
5th Mar 2018
To celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 1st March Mrs Campbell's class were our "book...
19th Jan 2018
We are delighted to have a link on Facebook. Our Facebook page has been set up by...
3rd Oct 2017
Welcome to P.1.S    Our teacher is Mrs Sproule and our classroom assistants...

2016/2017 School Year

16th May 2017
During the week of the 15th-19th May. Each class were asked to take part in this...
15th Mar 2017
We have been learning about taking care of our world. We have been trying to make...
15th Dec 2016
We wore our Christmas outfits to school today to raise money for charity. We think...
7th Dec 2016
We went to Gortin Glen Forest Park. We saw lots of interesting things and even saw...