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Sion Mills Primary School West View Terrace, Sion Mills
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News - P1 Mrs Lowry

2022/2023 School Year

27th Feb 2023
We have loved learning all about Winter in Primary One :) 
6th Feb 2023
We had hot chocolate and cookies for our cosy Winter afternoon in P1. We snuggled...
24th Jan 2023
We went on a Winter sensory walk together and we just loved playing in the snow :)
28th Oct 2022
Happy Halloween from Primary One :)
28th Oct 2022
We had a wonderful afternoon on our Autumn walk. We worked together to find lots...
13th Oct 2022
Primary One have loved learning all about the story 'Elmer'. We have been having...

2021/2022 School Year

29th Jun 2022
P1 children brought their teddy bears to school today 🧸  We went on a Teddy...
18th May 2022
Our Role Play this month has been "At the Vets" P1 have taken on different roles...