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Sion Mills Primary School West View Terrace, Sion Mills
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2018/2019 School Year

22nd Mar 2019
We all enjoyed our weekly rugby sessions with Colin Campbell from the Strabane Rugby...
22nd Mar 2019
22nd Mar 2019
We enjoyed reading stories to Mrs Sproules P1 class.
18th Mar 2019
Along with Strabane Primary we concluded our history topic with a visit to the Folk...
18th Mar 2019
Our visit to Foyle arena and interactive science exhibits. A picnic and walk in...
7th Mar 2019
As part of our World Book Day activities boys and girls in P1, P2 and P3 took part...
7th Mar 2019
Just a small collection of the learning going on in our classroom this year. 
7th Mar 2019
For the months of January and February our class has studied an historical novel...
7th Mar 2019
When the snow fell, we left our classroom and enjoyed the crispy, white blanket. 
6th Mar 2019
Both classes had a wonderful time sharing books with their Buddies and getting to...