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Sion Mills Primary School West View Terrace, Sion Mills
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2019/2020 School Year

13th Nov 2019
8th Nov 2019
A huge "Thank You" to everyone who donated Shoeboxes to our annual appeal. The...
8th Nov 2019
Everyone enjoyed learning about the harvest both here and in other countries, and...
4th Nov 2019
26th Oct 2019
What a busy two months. Can't believe it's Halloween already.
25th Oct 2019
Time has flown by and it's hard to believe we're at half term already. Just a few...
25th Oct 2019
And today we did it all again!! We had a great afternoon of fun, fancy dress and...
24th Oct 2019
What a wonderful time was had at the Disco! It was great to see everyone all dressed...