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Sion Mills Primary School West View Terrace, Sion Mills
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2019/2020 School Year

6th Dec 2019
P3/4 presented a lovely assembly telling us about Advent and getting ready for celebrating...
2nd Dec 2019
In Assembly this morning we presented a cheque for £292 to Jo McMichael, Diabetes...
19th Nov 2019
P3/4McA had fun this morning in Strabane Primary School learning lots about 'Stranger...
19th Nov 2019
Everybody thoroughly enjoyed  The Ulster Orchestra performance as we travelled...
19th Nov 2019
Well done to our pupils who were presented with their Chinese certificates in Assembly...
15th Nov 2019
On Monday 16th November Choir and String pupils will have an early break before...
15th Nov 2019
To conclude our Bridges topic we worked in pairs to plan and build a bridge on Minecraft....
15th Nov 2019
Before the Halloween holidays we had a Halloween party. Mrs McNamee brought in a...
15th Nov 2019
Today we held a non-uniform day in support of our local Altnagelvin Diabetes Parent...