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Sion Mills Primary School West View Terrace, Sion Mills
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2019/2020 School Year

12th Feb 2020
11th Feb 2020
Everyone enjoyed Icebreaker games and Singing during our first session with Miss...
10th Feb 2020
In Nursery we have been trying hard to develop our scissor skills. With some extra...
10th Feb 2020
In Nursery we painted using bubbles this week. Miss McGeady and Mrs McCosker filled...
10th Feb 2020
Try these top tips to help children understand Length of instructions - ...
10th Feb 2020
P1.S  and P2.H  had a lovely day carrying out experiments as part...
7th Feb 2020
We are on a journey to become a Rights Respecting School. On Friday we held a joint...
5th Feb 2020
Today we made Hot Chocolate. First we poured some milk into a jug. Next we heated...
4th Feb 2020
P5 -7 classes welcomed the PSNI who told us about the importance of keeping ourselves...