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Sion Mills Primary School West View Terrace, Sion Mills
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2019/2020 School Year

23rd Feb 2020
Thank you to the team from All State who shared the message "Stop Think Tell" with...
19th Feb 2020
P5/6C and P6/7McN enjoyed learning about Robbie Burns, the Scottish poet. They...
16th Feb 2020
To finish our topic of shape we built some 3D shapes with some unusual materials....
13th Feb 2020
P6/7 spent an afternoon baking some pink Valentine’s rice crispie hearts. ...
13th Feb 2020
12th Feb 2020
All P5’s and P6’s enjoyed working with Majella and Luke learning about...
12th Feb 2020
The boys and girls in P5K had a brilliant time today in NWRC,Strand Road Campus....
12th Feb 2020
We had a super afternoon of dancing and energetic disco moves this afternoon in...
12th Feb 2020
As part of Science Week P3 pupils travelled to Armagh. We visited Armagh Robinson...
12th Feb 2020
Have a look at our wonderful master pieces! Here are all the special people our...