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Sion Mills Primary School West View Terrace, Sion Mills
Website under construction This website is currently being updated to reflect the new school name and ethos. We thank you for your patience. 
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2020/2021 School Year

14th Oct 2020
The boys and girls in P4k have settled well into the new school year. We have been...
7th Oct 2020
We have had lots of fun reading all about Elmer and his friends.
28th Sep 2020
Hello boys and girls and grown-ups too! Welcome to P.1. My name is Mrs Sproule and...
22nd Sep 2020
We are getting nicely settled back to school. The boys and girls are loving being...
10th Sep 2020
Useful Information
10th Sep 2020
Dr. Michael McBride, Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland, has forwarded a...
4th Sep 2020
A big hello to the boys and girls in P1H. We have had a good start to our P1 year...
4th Sep 2020
A letter with important updates has been uploaded.
2nd Sep 2020