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2016/2017 School Year

1st Jun 2017
We all arrived safe at New Grange B n B! It's been a hectic day with both the Zoo...
31st May 2017
On Friday 19th May a large convoy of cars set off from the school car park...
30th May 2017
Our teddies enjoyed their day in school.
30th May 2017
We are learning about earthworms. Did you know that they have 5 hearts and no bones?
30th May 2017
We went on a 3D shape hunt and we made some 3D shapes.
19th May 2017
We have been learning about electricity in WAU and Angles, Turning and Degrees in...
18th May 2017
Lots of people have signed up to these, but there is still time to register.  
16th May 2017
During the week of the 15th-19th May. Each class were asked to take part in this...
12th May 2017
Our Class went Litter Picking in April. We all helped to keep our school litter...
11th May 2017
Sion Mills Speech and Language Class went to visit Barron Top Fun Farm with Class...